Healing Modalities

Prior to deciding what modalities I would use on a client I will do a thorough health assessment to ascertain their current physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. I do this by asking various questions, doing a tongue and pulse diagnosis. I will then consult with the client on how to develop a course of therapeutic actions and treatment plan. Sometimes I will get a client to pick some flower essence, oracle or tarot cards as a mental exercise to intuitively check in with oneself.

Acupuncture, Acupressure and Chinese (East Asian) Medicine -

Acupuncture is a traditional and ancient Chinese medicine practice that is based on the premise that a blockage or irregularity in the flow of the body's subtle life energy, or Qi (pronounced chi), can cause health issues. Chinese Medicine is a system of healthcare that has evolved over thousands of years to prevent, diagnose, and treat disease. Chinese Medicine believes that the body's vital energy, called Qi , flows along specific channels or meridians. If the Qi is balanced then the person has spiritual, emotional, and physical health. But when the qi isn't in balance, disease may occur. Qi can be blocked, causing imbalance between the Yin and Yang. This refers to two opposite but connected principles in Chinese philosophy. Chinese Medicine uses many approaches to create harmony between Yin and Yang and restore correct flow of energy through the meridians. One of these approaches is acupuncture. Acupuncturists believe the human body has more than 2,000 acupuncture points. They are linked through the various meridians (subtle energetic pathways that form an interconnected matrix). The use of acupuncture on certain points within the meridians is believed to improve the flow of blocked or stagnant qi. Acupuncture can unblock these meridians. This restores movement of qi and improves health.

Sometimes other forms of stimulation are used over the acupuncture points instead of needles. These include Heat (moxibustion), Pressure (acupressure), Friction (Scraping/Gua Sha), Suction (cupping), Electromagnetic energy impulses.

Acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years, is deemed safe when practiced by competent practitioners, effective, and proven to provide therapeutic benefit for a large variety of physical and mental health conditions.

Acupuncture points are believed to stimulate the central nervous system. This releases chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These biochemical changes may stimulate the body's natural healing abilities. They may promote physical and emotional well-being.

Studies have shown that acupuncture is effective alone or when used with conventional therapies to treat these conditions:

  • Upset stomach (nausea) caused by surgical anesthesia and cancer chemotherapy

  • Dental pain after surgery

  • Addiction

  • Headaches

  • Menstrual cramps

  • Tennis elbow

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Myofascial pain

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Low back pain

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Asthma

It may also help with the following conditions:

Digestive- Gastritis, Irritable bowel syndrome, Hepatitis, Hemorrhoids

Emotional/Mental- Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Insomnia, Addiction, Nervousness, Neurosis

Eye-Ear-Throat Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Sore throat,

Gynecological- Menstrual pain, Infertility, peri menopause, menopause

Musculoskeletal -Arthritis, Back pain, Muscle cramping, Muscle pain and weakness, Neck pain, Sciatica

Neurological- Headaches, Migraines, Postoperative pain,

Respiratory- Allergic rhinitis, Asthma, Sinusitis, Bronchitis, Long Covid

Miscellaneous- Irritable bladder, Prostatitis, Male infertility, Some forms of impotence,

Integrative & Alchemical Bodywork /Massage Therapy -

Therapeutic Massage which may incorporate the subtle energetic system re-balancing and transformative effects of acupressure (which affects both the physical as well as the psycho-emotional aspect of the client) by stimulating the flow of Qi (subtle life energy) along the meridians (subtle energetic matrix that interconnects the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies), the muscular tension dissolving and myofascial releasing elements of a deep tissue massage and the nervous system calming effects of a Swedish relaxation massage. I will sometimes incorporate specific healing flower essences, herbal-infused medicated balms/oils and essential oils with my treatments to help harmonize the client’s pattern of disharmony.

Cupping: Helps with various health concerns such as muscular tension, which helps to clear pathogenic factors such as Wind, Heat, Cold and Damp (These are TCM terms) to re-establish health and balance within an individual. It also helps release muscular and mental and emotional tensions. Cupping also assists with lymphatic fluid flow that is essential for detoxifying the system, and releasing the fascia (dense connective tissue that wraps around muscles, bones, nerve, organs) and where the subtle life energy lines flow through (meridians/nadis).

Gua Sha- A form of bodywork from the Chinese Medicine system but also the Vietnamese Folkloric medicine system that utilizes the use of an tool that creates a scraping motion on the skin usually made with either jade, buffalo horn, ceramic or metal. The scraping motion helps to release the fascia, move the Qi (which flows through the meridians that are found in the level of the fascia) and the Blood, move lymphatic fluid, clears pathogenic factors (disease causing factors such as Heat, Cold, Wind or Dampness) thereby re-establishing the natural equilibrium of the body.

Moxibustion- Herbal Heat therapy used in Chinese Medicine utilizing the healing herb Mugwort (Artmesia Argyi) as the primary herb that has a Qi and Yang tonifying (strengthening) effect on a persons energetic system. It can be used for various ailments such as muscular aches/pains, osteoarthritis, immune system depletion. regulating the position of a baby in utero in breech position, digestion imbalances, tiredness and fatigue, general wellness and health promotion.

Pranic Healing and Pranic Psychotherapy (In person or distant healing) (Non-touch form of energy healing)- A subtle yet powerful form of energy healing that is sometimes described as acupuncture without needles. Yet I personally find it works on a deeper level than acupuncture does. Pranic Healing is based in Chinese Medicine theory, the Indian Yogic system and the Kabbalistic (Western Yogic) system. It helps to clear stagnant life energy (Prana, Qi, Bioelectromagnetic energy) stored in the chakras and auric field and to recharge areas of depletion to achieve optimum physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health & well-being. Pranic psychotherapy specifically helps to rebalance the mental/emotional/spiritual state of a client. A great majority of people hold on to stagnant life energy that they may not even be aware of which creates suffering in their lives. I have found Pranic Healing to be immensely beneficial to release negative thoughtforms, stressful emotions. entities, habitual patterns, and cords of attachment that stand in the way of deeply connecting with one’s true nature. Pranic healing in conjunction with meditation can help connect oneself to inner peace, infinite compassion, joy, unconditional love, and divine equanimity, as well as help one live a life in alignment with his/ her/their true nature and Nature’s wisdom and laws.

Zero Balancing - is an elegant form of bodywork and energy healing focusing on releasing deeply held tensions and traumas embedded at the deep level of the bones/ structure of the body. It is done with gentle fulcrums that hold clients in specific areas of the skeletal system and gentle traction at the joints. In the process of Zero Balancing, the subtle energy body is recalibrated. It has a grounding and simultaneously expansive effect on a client’s whole being. Originally grounded in the practice of Osteopathy, Fritz Smith, the creator of this wonderful modality also studied and practiced Traditional Chinese Medicine and Yoga which formed the basis of integrating the effects holistically. It utilizes a form of touch known as interface touch which is a considered a safe form of touch and is especially suited for clients who have experienced trauma, holding a compassionate caring space for their healing to unfold. Zero Balancing can help with:

  • Symptoms of blocked or excessive energy – headaches, back pain, fatigue, depression

  • Problems related to stress – tension, insomnia, nervousness, anxiety

  • Enhanced quality of life – relaxation, feelings of contentment, ease, mental clarity, well-being

Dietary and Nutritional support- I will help review your current diet and determine whether you may need to incorporate or cut out/down on certain foods and drinks that may be depleting you and bringing you out of equilibrium. I will be guiding your dietary and nutritional needs based on your individual constitution and what will help to address your particular health and wellness needs based on the wisdom of Chinese Medical dietary theory, Western nutritional wisdom and Ayurvedic wisdom. I will also help you to eat to harmonize with the seasons and assist you in developing a wholesome awareness and healthier relationship with your food and body.

Flower Essence Therapy- Flower Essences are a form of vibrational medicine where the subtle energetic (bio-electromagnetic) imprint of the flower is infused into a mixed solution of water, brandy/vegetable glycerin/mineral salts/vinegar through the process of placing the flower and solution in direct sunlight and sometimes moonlight. The subtle energy of the flower is also known as the Prana or Qi of the plant. Likened to how acupuncture/Pranic Healing re-calibrates the subtle energetic body through their effect on the meridians/nadis, chakras and auric field, specific flower essences have their unique medicine which help in harmonizing support one’s mental, emotional and spiritual state back to balance if taken daily over a period of 1 month, more or less. A few of the strengths/benefits of using flower essences is that it helps to shift subconscious patterns in the subtle energy body and doesn’t have any negative interactions with other herbs or medications.

Herbal Medicine- I will be prescribing/recommending herbs from the Chinese Medicine, Western Medicine and Ayurvedic traditions. I usually assess a client holistically and recommend herbal remedies that are most suitable with a client’s constitution, address their patterns of imbalance and to treat the whole person and not just their symptoms.

Intuitive and Holistic Counseling- I can hold space for a client with unconditional positive regard and help to facilitate a nurturing environment for greater self awareness, compassion, self-acceptance, insight, healing, acceptance and love to unfold. I listen with deep empathy, sensitivity and attentiveness and help the client to connect with more self-reflection, wisdom and inner resourcefulness and intuition.

I facilitate a safe and supportive space with the trauma informed skills and knowledge which I bring to the healing session.

I may also integrate some astrological and or tarot knowledge as a means for greater self-awareness for the client, if it seems relevant and helpful.

I am solution focused and will guide the process in a way that helps empower the client to create healthier ways of thinking, perception and behaviour and I will refer clients to other health professionals and resources if I consider that their health concerns can be further supported with other modalities or practitioners.

Individual Yoga Therapy/ Group Yoga classes-

I offer Yoga Therapy classes on an individual or group basis. For example, I may incorporate specific asanas, breathwork, Yamas and Niyamas, meditations and healing yogic practices for a client dealing with grief, stress, anxiety or trauma.

House/Business Clearing and Blessing- The home and work environment are energetic extensions of the people occupying the space. If the living or work environment is filled with negative stagnant energy, it is very difficult for the people living in these environments to feel healthy, well & prosperous. I can do in person clearings/ blessings or distantly.

Tea Medicine Facilitator / Custom Tea Blending - Lastly but definitely not the least, I offer intentional tea ceremonies based on gong fu cha (Chinese tea ceremony) and herbal tisane and herbal elixir explorations, for small groups for the purpose of celebration, connection, education, rejuvenation, recreation or work related gatherings. I can create custom tea blends as a gift, for an event, or for retail.

Self Care Guide and Advice

Self-care and healing sessions are so important to integrate into your life especially even more so during these very tumultuous times. The more we take to time to devote loving care towards ourselves, not only will our whole life benefit from this nourishment but it will ripple out and benefit the lives of others and this planet as well. Self-healing and collective healing go hand in hand and are inextricably linked.

I am in the process of crafting a self-care & self-love guide to help you navigate through these challenging times: It will include guidance on:

  • Beneficial foods, nutrition and herbal medicine to fortify your immune system, nourish and calm the nervous system, strengthen vitality and digestive function and uplift the mood from a Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic and Western Nutrition perspectives.

  • Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama (Breathwork) practices to help harmonize your mind, body and spirit to optimize your health and well-being and feel more aligned and balanced during the season of Summer. How to cultivate greater awareness, loving-kindness, compassion and love towards yourself and others.

  • Lifestyle guidance according to East Asian Medicine, Ayurvedic and Yogic wisdom to navigate through cultivate greater joy harmony, well-being and optimal health during the pandemic and the current season.

    If you are interested in receiving this self-care and self-love guide to learn more about how to care for yourself by building physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being and resilience through this time of great uncertainty and transformation. Please e-mail me so that I can send you a copy. Suggested donation is $10-$20 but no-one turned away for lack of funds.

  • I’m also offering self-care packages that are available as a gift for others or yourself which may include a seasonal herbal tea blend, a hand poured botanical candle, a piece of artwork with an accompanying meditation, a recording of a yoga practice that you can access at any time, a custom blended flower essence formula, some dietary/nutritional guide, distant energy healing, herbal and natural wisdom guidance, tarot/ astrology reading and more!

    I offer private online Zoom Yoga Therapy - please email me if you’re interested in consulting for a session and receive some nourishing balance, connection and support.

We’ll be doing a gentle healing yoga flow to help the mind unwind by anchoring in present moment awareness, the body & Heart’s wisdom, the nourishing Earth’s support to rejuvenate and relax the nervous system to boost immunity, balance the mood, nourish vitality and connect with your resilient and radiant wise and loving True Nature.

We’ll be incorporating yogic philosophy which may includes the 8 limbs of Hatha Raja Yoga and the chakra system, Chinese Medicine theory of the organ systems and their associated meridians (subtle energetic pathways) and acupressure points and seasonal harmonizing practices.